Cementarnica Usje continued this autumn with horticultural activities of planting trees in the schools of Municipality Kisela Voda. On November 13th, the national “Tree Day” Usje took active part in the initiative with a large number of employees and its own mechanization and in cooperation with the Municipality of Kisela Voda. The Company extended the planting activities to assume actions of horticultural arrangements in the yards of the primary schools located in the Municipality of Kisela Voda. In the framework of this action, 7 schools and 1 kindergarten were visited by Usje teams and 130 trees of various types were planted, depending on the school’s needs and the plans for arrangements of the schoolyards.

The action started on Nov.13, 2009 in primary school “Kuzman Josifovski-Pitu” where 12 cypress, 5 flower bushes, 40 Thuja Columnaris and 20 Lunicera saddles were planted. On Nov.21st, the action was implemented in the yard of kindergarten “Veseli Cvetovi – Kokice” when 85 m of green fence type Ligustrum weres planted. In the following period November 23th – 27th the schools “Kiril Pejcinovic”, “Krume Kepeski”, Partenie Zografski”, “Kliment Ohridski”, “Rajko Zinzifov” and “Kuzman Sapkarev” were visited and total 50 saddles type Thuja Columnaris size 60 – 100 cm. each were planted.

The acceptance in all the schools was exceptional, both by the teachers and the pupils as well, who directly took part in the planting. Especially worth mentioning was the warm reception in the kindergarten Kokice, where the youngest children took part in the planting and also presented a small performance for Usje’s representatives.
This action is a continuance of the project ongoing for several years, of donating and planting trees, decorative bushes and flowers by Cementarnica Usje every spring and autumn, in the primary schools of Municipality of Kisela Voda.
Usje plans to continue and deepen the cooperation with the educational institutions in the Municipality by implementing new activities of mutual interest.