On October 17, 2017 Cementarnica USJE organized an Open Day with citizens, NGOs, the Director and State inspectors from the State Environmental Inspectorate, representatives of the Environmental Directorate at the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the IPPC Department and environmental inspector from the City of Skopje. This visit was initiated by the State Environmental Inspectorate aimed to support our endeavors to be open and transparent to the wider public, with a special emphasis on the environmental protection measures that we undertake. The representatives were presented a short video about the beginning and growing years of Cementarnica Usje. The Chief Executive Director, Boris Hrisafov, emphasized the strategic determination of the company for sustainability, for following our business goals and adding value in a socially responsible way. One of the main topics of this visit was presentation of our operation in accordance with the A-IPPC permit and our environment protection endeavors presented by our Environmental Manager. The presentation was followed by discussion on matters related to our operations. The representatives along with our engineers and experts had a tour around the plant to get familiar with the production process and the way of operation of Cementanica Usje.