Company Open Days


Отворени денови во Компанијата

Visit of environmental inspectors
About 17 environmental inspectors from different governmental authorities have visited our plant. They attended presentation of our environmental and CSR endeavors and a tour around our plant operation to get more familiar with our processes and environmental protection activities.

Visit of students from UACS
About 20 students from UACS and their professor in Environment visited the company to get familiar with our environmental endeavors and had a tour around our facilities and processes.

Visit of students from Faculty of Technology and the Faculty of Economics
About 30 students from the Faculty of Technology and 15 students of the Faculty of Economics visited our Quality Department to get familiar with our quality control process.

Visit of students from civil engineering high school
About 30 students from civil engineering high school with their professors visited company’s quality and production department to get familiar with the process of making cement and control of its quality.