Students from the group Sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts (FLU) are actively working on sculptures within the joint project with Cementarnica USJE. Young sculptors of II and IV year, under the mentorship of professors Ismet Raikjevikj and Goce Nanevski, are in the phase of final modeling of the firstsculptures, followed by molding of models in plaster molds. The final, and most complex phase of the technical part of the making, is casting the sculptures in concrete.
Under the plan, the works should be completed by the regular annual exhibition of FLU held in May. Then they will be donated and placed in public urban areas that will be defined additionally.
Students throughout the process gain valuable experience working with a complex material such as cement, because, in addition to having an artistic aspect, it includes the specific aspect of constructive statics, especially when it comes to sculptures of medium and large format. The professors at the study program Sculpture highlight the benefits of the cooperation with USJE, which providestudents with sufficient materials and tools for free artistic expression.
The main objective of the project initiated by Cementarnica USJE in November 2015, within marking the landmark - 60th anniversary of the company, was creating opportunities for free creative work of young artists from the group Sculpture at FLU. Within the cooperation, USJE donated all the necessary material from its portfolio of products for making sculpturesto the Faculty and additionally provided machines and tools necessary for the everyday work of the study group Sculpture.
Also, Cementarnica USJE gladly opened the doors of the company for study visits of professors and students from the Faculty of Fine Arts, in which artists will have the opportunity to thoroughly learn about the production process and the specifics of the materials that have wide application in sculptural art and that they will use, not only during their studies, but also in their further creative development.