
Environmental protection is key to our sustainable business model.

Guided by our enduring commitment to mitigating the effects on the environment, we are always striving to make our operations as efficient as possible and to continuously improve in areas such as water and energy use, protection of local biological diversity, waste management, noise reduction and emissions abatement. With all our activities that we are carrying out continuously, we strive to be recognized as one of the leading companies in terms of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Cementarnica USJE was the first company in the country to fully implement the planned activities under the Operational Plan of the A-Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Permit issued in 2011 by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP).

Additionally, we have established an Environmental Management System (EMS) that allows us to constantly monitor the impact on the environment and timely plan and implement the most effective measures to protect it, in accordance with the requirements of the international ISO 14001:2015 standard. The system covers all environmental issues related to cement production and the operation of our quarries and is regularly updated and harmonized with the latest standards, recommendations and best practices in this area.

In keeping with our approach and commitment to socially responsible operation, as well as the TITAN Group's policies that guarantee safe and transparent environmental management in accordance with the highest international standards, Cementarnica USJE constantly strives to effectively respond to all environmental challenges related to the air emissions, conservation of natural resources and biodiversity, saving energy and water, noise reduction and impact on climate change. In doing so, through constant monitoring, action, reporting and cooperation with all stakeholders, we try to achieve continuous progress in the way we treat the various aspects related to the environment.