17.02.2009, Skopje . A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) workshop has been organized and hosted by TITAN Cementarnica USJE AD - Skopje during February 17-18th. The workshop was coached by the international specialized audit firm Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Ltd., and attended by the top management of TITAN Companies in Serbia and Bulgaria, as well as of Group Headquarters from Athens.
The primary purpose of this workshop was to facilitate the process of independent assurance and verification of Social and Environmental policies, practices and procedures, followed by TITAN Plants in Southeastern Europe in accordance to International and European standards. Moreover, the workshop aimed at providing participants with the opportunity to discuss and analyze the best practices and identify priorities and opportunities for material improvements at all levels.
The TITAN Group, aiming to further demonstrate its commitment to CSR, undergoes for the 2nd consecutive year an independent assessment and verification of each annual CSR report following the Global Reporting Initiative principles, as adopted by the UN Global Compact initiative. After the completion of the workshop, Det Norske Veritas on February 19th, independently audited the Usje Plant to verify its CSR policies and results.
It should be noted that the publication of a CSR report, the adoption of relevant CSR reporting guidelines and the verification of the CSR report are carried out on a voluntary basis by a Company. TITAN has already achieved the highest level of assurance marked as A+ for each 2007 CSR report, acknowledged among leading companies at both global and Cement sector levels.
TITAN Cementarnica USJE AD - Skopje, by including in its agenda the verification of its CSR report is becoming a special and unique Company in the region, and an example for best practices among industry leaders in the world.