June 17-20, 2010, Zlatibor, Serbia
The employees of Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje took part in the 21st Traditional Cementarijada Games 2010 that took place on Zlatibor, Serbia under the umbrella and organization of TITAN Cementara Kosjeric. In addition to USJE participants, employees from 4 other cement plants from the region participated in this social sports event, namely, Cement Plant Lukavac from Bosnia, Lafarge Beocin, Holcim and TITAN Cementara Kosjeric from Serbia, with about 300 participants in total.
The employees competed in 10 sports, namely futsal, handball, basketball, volleyball, shooting, darts, rope pull, fishing, table tennis and chess.
USJE employees have won cups for 1st place in shooting (women, individual) and 2nd place in shooting (women, team); 2nd place in darts (women, team); and 3rd place in fishing (men, team).

Moreover, the Head of Mechanical Maintenance at USJE, Mr. Stojance Milevski won the cup for best football player. Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje won the Cup for Fair Play.
The Chief Executive Director of Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje, Mr. Antonios Nicolopoulos, also took active part in the Games, especially in the football matches.
Apart from the sports activities, the participants of this event had organized gatherings in the evenings to get to know each other and exchange experiences and opinions.